Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Courtesy of Evol Kween comes this rather fun meme, which struck me as an excellent way to waste 10 minutes at work on a Wednesday. Here's what you do.

A) Grab your iPod.
B) Set it to shuffle.
C) Use the names of the songs that come up in order to answer the following questions.

Easy huh? Here we go...

1. What does next year have in store for me? ‘The Wobbly Mammoth’

2. What’s my love life like? ‘So Many Ways

3. What do I say when life gets hard? ‘Headcleaner’

4. What do I think of on waking up? ‘Cane and Rice’

5. What song will I dance to at my wedding? ‘Mary Jo’

6. What do I want as a career? ‘Whistle Down the Wind’

7. My favorite saying? ‘Everybody’s Song’

8. Favorite place? ‘Where the World Begins and Ends '

9. What do I think of my parents?Redford (For Yia-Yia and Pappou)’

10. What’s my porn star name? ‘Moonlight’

11. Where would I go on a first date? ‘Over’

12. Drug of choice? ‘Mesmerism’

13. Describe myself: ‘Je ne veux pas quitter’

14. What is the thing I like doing most? ‘Halloween’

15. What is my state of mind like at the moment? ‘Everyone Kisses a Stranger’

16. How will I die? ‘Love Song’

And the artists are, from 1 - 16: - Beatrix, Mates of State, Einsteurzende Neubauten, Sodastream, Belle and Sebastian, Tom Waits, Low, The Dears, Sufjan Stevens, Mono, Portishead, Dead Can Dance, Francoiz Breut, Robin Guthrie and Harold Budd, Francoiz Breut (again!), and finally - and rather appropriately - The Cure.

So - that was cryptic but fun. And quite truthful at time: my career does feel like I've always been blown by the winds of fate; judging by recent Zombie activity Halloween could well be the thing I like doing most; and while I'm not quite sure what 'Je ne veux pas quitter' means (I think t means something along the lines of 'I am not a quitter' it seems rather appropriate to have as a personal description of myself. And finally, I rater like knowing that I'll die while in love...


Tim Norton said...

my iPod broke :(

caoin said...

That was fun...and spookily accurate in places.

Fighting with Blogger for the last half hour to get it to accept my post wasn't fun at all though.

Anonymous said...

Quitter = the verb for leave
So I think it actually means, I don't want to leave.

Sam said...

Apparently I have a deep-rooted desire to pursue moonlight serenading as a career. Who'd've thunk it?

PS: I could actually see 'Moonlight' as a porn name - but for a transgender performer, I think...

Anonymous said...

I have nicked this idea for my blog.

But you nicked it as well so I don't feel so bad.

R x

Casey Bennetto said...

And I've nicked it for mine... which is scary as I haven't written on mine for more than a year. Here goes nothin'!

Anonymous said...

Yep, I nicked it, too.

miss mardi nowak said...

here's mine Richard, a few giggles!